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welcome to itty

This all started as a fun code-golfing experiment (itty-router), attempting to make a tiny, elegant micro-router for use in service workers, specifically the incredibly powerful/lightweight Cloudflare Workers. By 2022, this tiny router has become one of the mainstays of serverless routing within the Cloudflare Workers community.

This path has continued on to handle both API generation (including response handling and CORS) and API consumption/interaction. Each library typically rests in the ~500 byte range, to keep both your code and your bundle sizes down.

👇 current itty packages on NPM


  • Simplifies API design, routing and request-handling. Specifically designed for serverless or Serive Worker applications, this is often used within Cloudflare Workers, but can actually be used to execute/return any code based on URL routing. All this power in about 550 bytes, as you’d expect from an itty library.


  • The minimalist itty-router was never really intended to be used without a few quality of life additions, namely body parsing, cookie handling, response helpers, etc. These are on their way into itty-router core as you read this!


  • Because CORS is a pain, and we still have to deal with it. This little library gives you a simple drop-in solution.


  • So you’ve written an API but need to do things like calculate max-age, expirations, etc. This library does all that for you, allowing you to write things like “1 week, 2 days, and 4 hours” instead of… 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 2 + 1000 * 60 * 60… well, you get the point. All this is done in about 500 bytes.


  • At some point, you’ll need to talk to these APIs you’ve written. This simplifies that process, leaving your code short and beautiful, while only costing you around 600 bytes.


  • A bit of an experiemental package, yet one I use in production all the time. This takes the incredibly powerful Durable Object (thanks, Cloudflare!), but gives it a MUCH improved interface for simple tasks. This library removes nearly every bit of the boilerplate when working with DOs, leaving your code tiny, readable, and powerful.

and… itty, the company?

Stay tuned! Follow me on Twitter for updates as I launch off into the world of accelerators and funding!